Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mid Winter...

The cows in the paddock behind the house.  Blissful evening!

Our current wwoofer - Janine - with one of her babies she is helping to raise.  She's doing a marvelous job - and they are now out kicking up their heels in the paddock - still getting their warm milk in the morning and arvo - of course!

Transition day for the baby chickens - this is when they were moved from their broody room (where they spend day 1 to about 7-8 weeks) to their bona-fide Chookie A-Frame in the paddock.  They spend a few days getting aquainted to their new home before they are let out in the sunlight and grass to go bug hunting! So curious and so noisy at this stage!

We're having a great winter - always muddy - but managing well so far.
Hope the sun is shining on you.  
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope to visit your farm one day in the near future and maybe get some raw milk is not the same without it!