Saturday, May 19, 2012

Autumn 2012 Biodynamic Preps

Hello, This is me, Amy (22 weeks pregnant) - with our garden ration of Biodynamic Preps for the Autumn. 

And a Child's prospective behind the lens! Thank you Baxter (6) and Gretta (4) for the impromptu photo shoot!


This stuff is gold and is thoughtfully prepared.

This is our last application with the help of Shane - and we're on to our own for the Spring preps and the future.

This year's Autumn preps included:
BD Soil Activator
Worm Wee
Basalt Rock Water
Diatomaceous Earth
Horn Silica
Fungi Brew
and a very smellllly fish emulsion

The weather played with us a bit, so we were able to give it a real run with Nic in the tractor applying and Shane stirring.  Worked a treat (except for Nic having a 17 hour day...)  Next time we'll take a couple of days and I'll help with the stirring.

Fascinating stuff, this Biodynamics.  It makes sense - and is such a compliment to the Organic System.


Jane @ Shady Baker said...

Wow Amy, this is fascinating. What an incredible list of ingredients x

SarahF said...

Hi Amy! Just found your bath milk in Leongatha and we are loving it! We loved reading about your farm and family. My husband has almost finished our chicken coop and wondered if you'd be selling any of your girls??

Amy said...

Hi Sarah, Yes, please do contact us I'm sure we could muster up a few for you!