Friday, January 6, 2012

artificial colours

Hello there! 
Hope that Twenty Twelve has been a ripper so far.
We're expecting joy and awakening and mindfulness for the year ahead!

Just a quick pic of our egg yolks. There is so much confusion between "free range" "organic" "naturally fed" - and a myriad of other labels that our eggs may have.  Did you know that all of the above are most likely artificially coloured?
Can you see the colour difference in the yolks above?
When you open your carton - are their all different shades of shell?
That means that they are not artificially coloured.

Yes, there is direct correlation to yolk colour and nutrition, however with artificial colours in the feed, 
how is one to really know?

I don't know about you and your family, but if my kids are exposed to chemical artificial colours - they bounce off the walls for 24 hours. No fun. We avoid colours like the plague!

Buy OUTDOOR, Certified Biodynamic (or Organic) eggs. Although there are natural yolk colorants such as corn, sorghum, calendula, marigold - at least in Organic feed they are EDIBLE and not synthetic. 

Just so that we're clear, our eggs are
Grass Fed - meaning they spend their days in the paddocks they share with the cows.
Eating bugs. Scratching. Flapping, & Gossiping.
Yes, Hens do Gossip. A lot.
They also have ad lib to Certified Organic Wheat and Certified Organic Trace Element Concentrate.  

Happy days from us at Ruby Hills... 

Watch this space for Bobby Calf methods that we use on our farm.
There has been a lot of media coverage on the treatment of bobby calves (un-needed calves on a dairy farm). We're going to share with you how we do things here on our farm. When in doubt - choose Organic - as there are rules and standards that are enforced those standards are ethical and just.