Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bath Milk in a shop near you?

We're out!
Well, not "out" asleep like our baby here on top of the silage wrap in the tractor. Yes, he thought this was an appropriate place to have a catnap the other day while we pruned our orchard.

We're out in the shops with our bath milk! (google it if you are wondering what the go is!)

You can find our fresh, straight from the cow, unpasteurized, unhomogenized bath milk at the lovely following shops:

Naturally on High - Thornbury
The Green Grocer - North Fitzroy

and locally around these parts at:
Greenheart Organics - Inverloch
soon: Aherns - Foster

Ask your local shop to stock it - we're keen to get this goodness out to you, but we need the demand to be there.

We're still up to our armpits in mud around here in South Gippy.
Our hens however have started hooking into production with a handful of warm springy days, so the hen fruit is plentiful!
We have a paddockfull of heavily preggos cows waiting to start their spring production. These "fresh" cows will  certainly make for a busy springtime! 

Have a happy day... from the Paul Family.
Leave us a comment and let us know what you would like to know about us, or any questions you may have. We're happy to share.